Monday, January 5, 2015

Down Under Part 3 Pamphlets to Hell

The very first thing we did when we got off the plane was...well...go through customs...I hate it.  Helpful hint:  If you have an old passport like I do, just get a new one with the stupid chip in it so you can avoid the 1-2 hour lines.  Seriously.  Traveling internationally, customs gets old real fast.  Luckily this time they were quick and we were shortly reunited with our amazing friend Erin who moved to New Zealand earlier in the year.  We got our luggage, got into her car (the wrong side), and she drove (on the wrong side) to her house where we would stay and meet up with 3 more of our friends in a couple days.  I had to set up my little blow up mattress that I brought with sheets and everything.  Then we chatted and slept.  It had been a long day.

The next morning Erin went to work so Caryn, Bri, and I decided to explore around the neighborhood where we were staying.  It's in the Buckland's Beach area.  It's really pretty there and right next to the ocean.  Erin had told us about a great bakery we had to try so we went down by the water and then "hiked" up the little hill path thing to the bakery.  Well they only took cash and we didn't have any yet. We asked this lady where the closest bank/shopping area was that took cards and she said it was about a 20 minute walk.  She said she could have offered us a ride if she could.  Nice people.  It was a pretty day so the walk didn't sound too bad.  We were hungry though.  We made it to the grocery store (Countdown) and got some meats and cheeses and L&P and pastries and such and took it out to a picnic table to eat.  Again we met a friendly lady who was there and chatted for a bit.  We got some money exchanged and headed back to Erin's. On our walk back we met up with American Missionaries!!  Always fun to run into them.

We chilled until Erin got home and then we went to Hell's Pizza.  I got the Lust Deluxe.  It was really yummy.  While we were waiting for our pizza we took a group shot with a little menu.  When our friend Paul saw it he had to comment that Erin was so nice to make us pamphlets to visit her...inside joke.  I think that night we watched some good ol' Pitch Perfect and went to bed.

The next day around brunch time we went to a little cafe down by the water.  It was super windy that day so didn't really enjoy being outside by the water.  I had some of the best hot chocolate (they make it bitter down there) and fish and chips.  Caryn also got fish and chips and Bri got the best waffles ever.  Since it was so cold when we were done we got some ice cream and headed back to Erin's place.  Her backyard has a fence so it blocked the wind which meant I spent some time laying out there and listening to the song "Men at Work" better known for it's line, "we come from a land down under".  Yeah...I love sun and songs about places with sun.

While we were basking in the New Zealand sun the other three girls (Liz, Sarah, and Kristina) arrived.  When Erin got home we went out by the water again to get Indian Food for dinner.  It was really yummy and I saw one of the most gorgeous sunsets.  Then we went back to Erin's and got situated.  Seven girls in a one bedroom house with one bathroom can get tricky.  We made it work though.  Some of the girls stayed up and watched a movie, but me and Bri went to sleep since we had to be up at 3am to catch the shuttle to the airport so we could all go to Sydney.  Super early, but totally worth it. I got up around 2am to get ready for the day since we would hit the ground running in Sydney.  This is when Erin's blow dryer attacked.

Caryn and I had bought a New Zealand approved hair dryer before we got there and had it sent to Erin's.  Erin had hers right there though so while Caryn straightened her hair in front of me I used the blow dryer to heat up my hair.  Bri was also in the bathroom because she was going to straighten the back of my hair when Caryn was done.  All of a sudden...flames started shooting out of the blowdryer. I threw it because it was hot and freaked me out (which happened to land right around Caryn's feet) and the power went out.  It was insane.  See the things that happen down in hell (again inside joke).  Well we got over it and headed to the airport because Sydney was waiting for me.

1 comment:

  1. Hurry up and finish!!! I am having fun reminiscing about your trip!!! I miss you guys so much! COme back SOON!!!!!
