Thursday, March 20, 2014

Cirque Du Soleil: Beatles Love

I was fortunate enough to go see what I consider to be the best show in Las Vegas...Beatles Love.  Now, I'm a pretty big Beatles fan and every time I had been to Vegas I went home extremely sad that I hadn't forked out the cash to see this show...well when I finally did I decided that I should have a long time ago...because I loved it.

This show is everything you would think it would be:  trippy, lots of smoke, crazy, and of course all put to the best of the Beatles (best meaning all of it).  We were able to get really great seats and to be honest, because the seats are set around a round stage there really aren't bad seats.  I will say the tickets were over $100, but I completely think it was worth it.  I won't spoil everything, but I will give some of my favorite parts:

  • The people greeting you and walking you to your seats
  • Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds
  • The VW Bug
  • When they covered the entire audience with a sheet (yeah this happened)
I haven't seen any other Cirque Du Soleil shows yet, but just based on the fact that I could sing along with this one makes me think that this will be on the top of my list.  Go see it.  Embrace the inner-hippie.

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